Welcome To NoVa Lining Air and vacuum excavation
Minimally invasive precision excavation

We fix these problems
Our common solutions
Dangerous utility strikes from poorly marked or unverified utilities shutting down whole blocks from power, water, internet(fiber) and gas creating public safety hazards for all.
Imagine according to your as built and/or design plan your main gas service 10 feet away from the proposed piling or footer for your new building or bridge. Lack of initial diligence locating utilities causes a gas main strike when it's discovered the main gas line lies in the way of the drill rig setting the footer. Youve just put a 5-block radius in imminent danger and cost the project tens of thousands of dollars in fines and redesign fees and lost wages.
Urban dump fees and spoils disposal costs can limit how much can be done on site. Timely administrative paperwork and permits associated with the disposal of spoils takes unnecessary time and funding.
Precision utility locating and excavation speeds up project timelines while remaining minimally invasive and cost efficient across all sectors and especially in high utility urban areas.
Accurate utility locating and as built requests keep your project on time and on budget with no costly mistakes or surprises when your utilities have been located and verified by an industry expert.
Reduces overhead costs and no need to truck in expensive loads of fill dirt or gravel because original dirt can be used to backfill holes. Keeps site clean and water free leading to a safer and more efficient jobsite.
Our Solution

Like an efficient shop vac for the earth. allows for precision excavation while maintaining a clean jobsite as all debris and dirt can be easily vacuumed up.
The NoVa lining process for Air excavation projects
1. Determine location of excavation
- Precision designating and superior site planning in choosing initial excavation location.
- Noninvasive setup and footprint of equipment
2.Use air to break apart soil
- High pressure Air lance is used to break the soil into small particles.
- During breaking of soil non-contact, Non striking digging methodology will not harm sensitive underground objects or infrastructure.
3. Soil is vacuumed up into Container
- As soil is dislodged and driven airborne it is vacuumed directly into the container.
- Excels in precision, small diameter deep excavations where shovel, or backhoe bucket cannot fit.
4. All dirt removed can be used as backfill.
- No costly dump fees
- No need for dump truck loads of gravel at exaggerated cost
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